Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I just saw WANTED with ANGELINA JOLIE. It is hard to take your eyes off her when she is on screen. She just might be the most physically perfect woman who ever lived! The only bad thing is she is a little too skinny in this movie. (We've all seen the pics of her in the tabloids, looking anorexic.)
In WANTED, her arms and legs look too frail, and her cheeks look hollowed out. Fortunately, she makes up for it with those luscious lips and those dazzling eyes.
Based on the recent pics of ANGELINA 's pregnancy, it looks like getting knocked up was the best thing that ever happened to her. She developed very healthy curves and looked quite stunning, even carrying twins!
Hopefully she will not lose too much baby weight this time. If she manages to keep a few pounds on, she will go back to looking completely perfect, like she did in the LARA CROFT movies and in MR. & MRS. SMITH.

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